Our friends sometimes create problems for us. Some of these problems are easily dealt with, but others can be very difficult to solve. An Inner Guide can help.  If you don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire one here: ...

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What is Mental Static? Feb 27, 2024

Our problems create mental static in our minds, which makes solving them harder. An Inner Guide can help with this. If you don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire one here:


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The Stress Tax Feb 21, 2024

How often do we find ourselves frustrated when we are confronted by interactions that are unnecessarily complicated? An Inner Guide can help us. If you don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire one here:


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An Appreciation Feb 14, 2024

What's new in the world, and how can we fully appreciate it? An Inner Guide can help. If you don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire one here:


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A Good Idea! 2 Feb 07, 2024

What's new in the world, and how can we fully appreciate it? An Inner Guide can help. If you don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire one here:


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The Catch-22 of Stress Relief Jan 31, 2024

If you're not in the habit of meditating or doing self-hypnosis, how can you establish this new routine? James Clear provides some help. And if you don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire one here:



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Another Difficulty We Face Jan 24, 2024

Bureaucracy can cause all sorts of problems...and discomforts. See how an Inner Guide can help with this. You can acquire an Inner Guide here: https://emotionalcomfort.com/blog/post/you-can-acquire-an-inner-guide-part-4

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Are You Sensitive? Jan 17, 2024

Being very sensitive can have disadvantages, but can provide advantages that you may not have thought of. An Inner Guide can help you use your sensitivity to your advantage. You can acquire an Inner Guide here: https://emotionalcomfort.com/blog/post/you-can-acquire-an-inner-guide-part-4

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Are You Interested in Longevity? Jan 10, 2024

Longevity should include not just how long we live, but how long we remain healthy and active as we age. If you would like to experience more well-being in your life, consider acquiring an Inner Guide here: https://emotionalcomfort.com/blog/post/you-can-acquire-an-inner-guide-part-4

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A Good Idea! Jan 03, 2024

Good ideas are so important, and they come more easily when you have an Inner Guide. If you don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire one at: https://emotionalcomfort.com/blog/post/you-can-acquire-an-inner-guide-part-4

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After the holidays, January can be such a letdown. The weather can be depressing, and we have to face the consequences of our holiday spending. And it is the season of tax preparation, and the stress that this may bring. Here are some suggestions for how an Inner Guide can help you. If you don't...

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Help with the Holidays! 2023 Dec 20, 2023

With all the extra things we have to do at holiday time, life can get more difficult. How do we cope with the extra time, effort, and even expense that may increase our stress? Here are some suggestions for how your Inner Guide can help you. If you don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire...

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